Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Petition To Support Wages & Standards of Philadelphia Building Trade Unions

Petition To Support Wages & Standards of Philadelphia Building Trade Unions

Please READ, SIGN and SPREAD THE WORD to interested union brothers, sisters, activist organizations and supporters:

Attention: Philadelphia area union brothers, sisters, activist organizations and supporters,

Currently member unions of the Philadelphia Building Trades Council are picketing the job sites located at 12th & Woods Streets as well as Rittenhouse Street & Wissahickon Avenue in Philadelphia, PA. There are currently non-union workers working on both job sites as independent contractors. The developer/general contractor on both job sites is Post Goldtex GP, LLC.

The purpose of our protest is to protect the wages and benefits of the highly skilled men and women of the union construction industry throughout Philadelphia and vicinity. Make no mistake about this -- if not resolved, the outcome of this serious situation could negatively impact the FUTURE of the entire union construction industry throughout the Philadelphia area.

TAKE ACTION: To Sign Our Petition, GO TO: http://www.change.org/petitions/office-of-the-controller-city-of-philadelphia-support-wages-standards-of-philadelphia-building-trade-unions#

SEND A MESSAGE TO Alan Butkovitz, City Controller; City Council President Darrell L. Clarke; Keith Richardson - Commissioner, Department of Revenue; and Carlton Williams - Commissioner, Department of Licensing and Inspections that in the interest of protecting the wages and benefits of the highly skilled men and women of the union construction industry throughout Philadelphia and vicinity, we respectfully request that they confirm that Post Goldtex, GP, LLC, in their capacity as the "General Contractor" on the above-mentioned construction sites, is operating in compliance with all applicable Philadelphia ordinances as is required of all contractors in our city.

TO SIGN OUR PETITION, GO TO:  http://www.change.org/petitions/office-of-the-controller-city-of-philadelphia-support-wages-standards-of-philadelphia-building-trade-unions#

In Solidarity,

Joseph J. Dougherty
Business Manager,
Iron Workers Local 401


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Kathleen Henigan
    about 6 hours ago

    In these tough economic times the Unions are the only thing protecting the rights of American workers. The business owners know they have the advantage over us and they take it. We have to protect our future!
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    Ellen Slack
    about 4 hours ago

    I strongly believe that if wages of union building trades workers are not protected, there will be a negative "ripple effect" on all workers, union and otherwise, in this region. Solidarity is key, brothers and sisters!!
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    John Kane
    about 1 hour ago

    People need to make a fair wage
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    L Quiring
    about 1 hour ago

    Retired LU 1050 UBCJA. Need I say anything more
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    Michael S Durst
    about 8 hours ago

    I represented labor unions and their members for over 30 years, and my family was very active in organized labor. I truly believe in them as one of the only advocates left for the working person--whose wages and benefits have not increased in the last 20 years when compared with the cost of living, or putting a child through school.
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  3. Michael Winters
    about 6 hours ago

    As a member of Ironworkers Local 401 for over 40 yrs. I have seen the subpar work of non-union workers. Not only does the union worker get the jobs finished on time, but with pride and great workmanship.
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    Sarah Garraty
    about 2 hours ago

    To support my father who has been a hard working member of IUEC Local 5 for 23 years.
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    about 4 hours ago

    I am a member in good standing of Local 690 Plumbers Union !
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    richard pilson
    about 6 hours ago

    non union work in phila as well as other areas in pa should be stopped
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    Regina Hertzig
    about 3 hours ago

    As a business ower who provides fair wages and good benefits to our employees, I believe that there should be an even playing field and that all businesses should pay what is required. Workers deserve a fair wage and the City of Philadelphia should do what ever it can to enforce its laws and regulations. Thank you.
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  4. Why People Are Signing
    . .

    Raymond Fitch
    about 1 hour ago

    ALL contractors, union or non-union, should have to comply with the Philadelphia codes and ordinances and applicable taxes including Philadelphia City Wage Tax .
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    George Parsons
    about 3 hours ago

    I am a proud member of Steamfitter's Union 420 & the Phila. Bldg.Trades for over 55 years. Union Bldg.Tradesmen received an education of either 4 years or 5 year apprenticeship to learn their trade. The apprenticeship is paid jointly by the contractor and members to increase the skill level of all tradesmen.The men and women who represent the Bldg. Trades today are highly skilled and dedicated to their trade,they do the job once and with pride and productivity. These non-union people acting as self-employed contractors do not even pay the proper taxes,insurance or workmens comp insurance unless caught and audited. Let's put an end to this cheap labor, cut corners at any cost mind set that prevails in this country today. Union menbers built this country and we shouild stand proudly to defend our contributions and gains.
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    Robert Skrzypiec
    about 3 hours ago

    to many companies are getting labor at rates that cannot support a family anymore. it is time to take a stand.
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    Carolyn Hayes
    about 7 hours ago

    I have been a Union member for more than 50 years. There seems to be a movement in this country to take our benefits by destroying unions. When I retrie from teaching, I intend to become a teacher advocate. Our profession has been maligned long enough.
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