Tuesday, June 26, 2012

PhillyLabor.com Introduces the Ordinary Angels Foundation

PhillyLabor.com Introduces the Ordinary Angels Foundation to celebrate, amongst others, men and women of Labor who have made a difference in the lives of others. PhillyLabor.com is excited to introduce the Ordinary Angels Foundation, a newly formed organization that was created by PhillyLabor.com President and author of the book Ordinary Angels, Joe Dougherty, for the purpose of recognizing those special people who have made a difference in the lives of others including labor leaders. The Ordinary Angels Foundation celebrates a wide array of individuals from all walks of life including mentors/role models, coaches, teachers, counselors, labor leaders, political leaders, civic leaders, civil rights leaders, social leaders etc who through their passion, leadership and commitment have made a positive impact on others and society. In the coming months, Ordinary Angels will join forces with PhillyLabor.com to acknowledge the efforts of, amongst others, leaders of the labor movement, past and present, who have fought hard to obtain and maintain fair working conditions, standards and wages for their members. We welcome your participation, your feedback and even your suggestions for candidates who you may think are deserving of recognition by the Ordinary Angels Foundation. Sincerely, PhillyLabor.com Mgmt. NOTE: The Ordinary Angels Foundation, not only recognizes labor officials, but also rank and file members, activist organizations members, friends and supporters of the labor community who have made a positive difference within the labor movement.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Wine & Spirits Stores Poll

Wine & Spirits Stores Poll: Please take a minute to vote "no" in the latest poll and help send a clear message that we want to preserve jobs and revenue for PA, not find excuses to privatize. http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/inq_ed_board/LCB-judge-Nice-work-if-you-can-get-it.html?ref=facebook.com From Philly.com

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Kudos to John Dougherty, Brian Stevenson, Jim Snyder and IBEW Local #98

Kudos to IBEW #98 Business Manager John Dougherty as well as #98 Union Reps Brian Stevenson and Jim Snyder and IBEW Local #98 for "walking the walk" and spending their Father's Day demonstrating and doing what it takes to support union wages and standards and to get the word out that ShopRite in Roxborough is hiring non-union electrical workers to work at night! In Solidarity, PhillyLabor.com Mgmt - See Photos at: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=3434687147769&set=a.2675545329698.2119857.1288152624&type=1&theater

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Petition to Support District 1201

Help us get to 10,000 signatures on this online petition to support our brothers and sisters at District 1201: http://signon.org/sign/stop-the-right-wing-campaign?source=32BJ As you know, there is a lot on the line. Layoff notices have already been sent to 2,700 school workers. Tomorrow is our bargaining deadline, so this is an especially urgent moment. By making this final push we can help support the field activities planned today and tomorrow. Amazingly, we already have over 9,850 signatures on this petition. Please sign and share!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Petition To Support Wages & Standards of Philadelphia Building Trade Unions

Petition To Support Wages & Standards of Philadelphia Building Trade Unions

Please READ, SIGN and SPREAD THE WORD to interested union brothers, sisters, activist organizations and supporters:

Attention: Philadelphia area union brothers, sisters, activist organizations and supporters,

Currently member unions of the Philadelphia Building Trades Council are picketing the job sites located at 12th & Woods Streets as well as Rittenhouse Street & Wissahickon Avenue in Philadelphia, PA. There are currently non-union workers working on both job sites as independent contractors. The developer/general contractor on both job sites is Post Goldtex GP, LLC.

The purpose of our protest is to protect the wages and benefits of the highly skilled men and women of the union construction industry throughout Philadelphia and vicinity. Make no mistake about this -- if not resolved, the outcome of this serious situation could negatively impact the FUTURE of the entire union construction industry throughout the Philadelphia area.

TAKE ACTION: To Sign Our Petition, GO TO: http://www.change.org/petitions/office-of-the-controller-city-of-philadelphia-support-wages-standards-of-philadelphia-building-trade-unions#

SEND A MESSAGE TO Alan Butkovitz, City Controller; City Council President Darrell L. Clarke; Keith Richardson - Commissioner, Department of Revenue; and Carlton Williams - Commissioner, Department of Licensing and Inspections that in the interest of protecting the wages and benefits of the highly skilled men and women of the union construction industry throughout Philadelphia and vicinity, we respectfully request that they confirm that Post Goldtex, GP, LLC, in their capacity as the "General Contractor" on the above-mentioned construction sites, is operating in compliance with all applicable Philadelphia ordinances as is required of all contractors in our city.

TO SIGN OUR PETITION, GO TO:  http://www.change.org/petitions/office-of-the-controller-city-of-philadelphia-support-wages-standards-of-philadelphia-building-trade-unions#

In Solidarity,

Joseph J. Dougherty
Business Manager,
Iron Workers Local 401